Having an online presence is no longer optional for any business today and at the core of this presence is a website. Social media platforms are fantastic tools that can help to manage and promote a business, however, nothing beats a website with your own domain name attached to gain credibility and instil confidence in your business with your clients and potential clients.
Polished Affairs can assist you with your online presence by revitalising an existing website or building a brand new one. Whether you need a simple page with a description of your business and a way to contact you or you require a full e-commerce sales and booking solution, find out what can be built; it may cost less than you think.
A website consists of three main components: a Host, an Application Platform and the Content.
The Host is predominantly the hardware infrastructure underpinning the website: the storage devices and servers together with the software and support services that provide an environment for the website to reside. This includes various forms of dedicated, shared and cloud based hosting facilities.
The Application platform is the collection of software that organises, manipulates and presents all of the website’s content. In many cases, this is a Content Management System (CMS) such as WordPress.
The Content is all of the information that is presented by the website: copy text, images, graphics, video, audio and other media. This content is manipulated by various components of the application platform into the output that is presented to the visitors to the website. Ultimately, it is the content of the website that visitors are looking for, and everything else is simply the means to put this content in front of them in a meaningful and engaging manner.
Design Process
A new website is not something you should just buy off the shelf. Building a website involves tailoring the design and functionality to fit in with your overall marketing efforts and remaining consistent with your branding. Polished Affairs will work with you to develop a website that conveys your message to your audience the way you want. The design process is reiterative with concepts and styles suggested, considered, accepted, rejected or modified until the pieces fall into place. Some clients may need new content created – new images, photos or even new copy written; Polished Affairs can also help with this.
Don’t spend your valuable time building your own website, contact Polished Affairs to find out how little it could cost to have a new site built for you.
Website Care
You wouldn’t buy a new car and expect to keep driving it without ever investing in maintenance, parts, oil or fuel. Websites also have to be cared for. If your content is no longer current or relevant, visitors to your site will be dissatisfied, and if software components become outdated or incompatible, the website may become vulnerable to security breaches, not work as expected, or break all together. While the website owner is generally responsible for updating content, sometimes this can be outsourced along with the maintenance of the site. Talk to Polished Affairs about Web Care packages for new and existing websites.